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Difference between wait (), notify () and notifyAll ()

Wait , notify and notifyAll is one of the very much required object class methods required for inter Thread communication. wait () method is responsible of releasing the lock on shared resources where as on the other side notify () and notifyAll () methods are responsible for notify the waited Threads to start consuming the lock again.
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Grail All Domain class Variables By Default null.

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java.lang.Comparator Vs java.lang.Comparable

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Linked List Example

/* * Copyright (c) 2000 David Flanagan. All rights reserved. * This code is from the book Java Examples in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition. * It is provided AS-IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either expressed or implied. * You may study, use, and modify it for any non-commercial purpose. * You may distribute it non-commercially as long as you retain this notice. * For a commercial use license, or to purchase the book (recommended), * visit */ /** * This class implements a linked list that can contain any type of object that * implements the nested Linkable interface. Note that the methods are all * synchronized, so that it can safely be used by multiple threads at the same * time. */ public class LinkedList { /** * This interface defines the methods required by any object that can be * linked into a linked list. */ public interface Linkable { public Linkable getNext(); // Returns the next element in the list public...

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