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Showing posts from September 7, 2009

Jasypt(Java Simplified Encryption) with hibernate 3

Jasypt is a java library which allows the developer to add basic encryption capabilities to his/her projects with minimum effort, and without the need of having deep knowledge on how cryptography works. Features : Jasypt follows the RSA standards for password-based cryptography, and provides you with both unidirectional and bidirectional encryption techniques. Open API for use with any JCE provider , and not only the default Java VM one. Jasypt can be easily used with well-known providers like Bouncy Castle . Learn more . Higher security for your users' passwords . Learn more . Binary encryption support . Jasypt allows the digest and encryption of binaries (byte arrays). Encrypt your objects or files when needed (for being sent over the net, for example). Number encryption support . Besides texts and binaries, it allows the digest and encryption of numeric values (BigInteger and BigDecimal, other numeric types are supported when encrypting for Hibernate persistence). Learn more . ...